©All rights reserved — MABI INTERNATIONAL S.R.L.
via J. Pirona, n. 2/4 — 33038 San Daniele del Friuli (UD) - Italy
Tax code and VAT nr. 01428220303 — REA UD 173380
Share capital € 500.000,00 i.v. — pec@pec.mabi.it

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In these terms as well, we have great attention devoted to the whole process, where all the different areas are looked after , where we have wide spaces and a natural light to work in.



In this way, a place that some people live as a stress-zone, in MABI INTERNATIONAL becomes a comfort-zone, that promotes creativity and an optimal level of satisfaction for a person’s job and for the final product.

©All rights reserved — MABI INTERNATIONAL spa
via J. Pirona, n. 2/4 — 33038 San Daniele del Friuli (UD) - Italy
Tax code and VAT nr. 01428220303 — REA UD 173380
Share capital € 500.000,00 i.v. — pec@pec.mabi.it

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